Sunday, July 17, 2011

Don't Be a Squirrel...

One of my favorite commercials is a car insurance commercial where a car swerves to avoid sending a harmless squirrel to that big oak tree in the sky. Only after this poor animal loving driver crashes his car do we find out that it was all a big conspiracy of two little woodland creatures. They then give each other high fives and congratulations for completing their evil little mission. It still makes me laugh even though it's a despicable furry act.

They are cute little creatures aren't they?

On our recent trip to Tennessee we were driving through a very rural Alabama. We decided on this trip to take the Tour De Small town America which meant very little Interstate driving. It was a very nice change.

Somewhere between Nowhere and Cowtown USA, one of our furry little friends happened into our path. Meagan was driving and as soon as she saw the squirrel approach the road she says out loud, "little squirrel, don't cross the road!" Our little buddy darts out to the middle line, hesitates as if he heard Meagan, retreats back about a foot and then decides to continue on...

I immediately turned around to Carson and said, "Did you see that squirrel!? He didn't listen to Momma and now look at him!"

Needless to say, this has become our new family saying when faced with disobedience. I encourage all of you to use it as needed.

Don't be the Squirrel!!!

This one is because I love the Banjo.


Angel said...

Hilarious! Thanks for sharing.